The brothel originally had two floors, with ground floor entrances on both Marble Street and Curetes Street. On the latter, an etched footprint in the marble famously shows the way. The rooms of the ground floor, one of which has a stone bed, were built around a small atrium. The floor of the main reception room was covered with a mosaic of the four seasons. The personified figures of Winter (with head covered) and Autumn (with a garland of flowers) are still well preserved. The cubicles used by the prostitutes to entertain their clients were on the upper floor. An advert (graffiti) on one of the marble paving stones for a brothel at the city of Ephesus, the ancient Roman capital of Asia minor. in modern-day Turkey. The advert includes a heart, a cross, a woman’s head, a lady’s feet, and cash; and it has been translated as ‘turn left at the crossroads where you can buy a woman’s love’. Ironically, the brothel is positioned opposite the ancient library.